award winning tattoo removal clinic

Eyebrow Tattoo Removal

Start your tattoo removal journey with an award winning clinic!

10 years tattoo removal experience

Award winning clinic and laser tech, 2021, 2022 & 2023

over 10,000 clients treated

5 star reviews across all platforms

picolaser technology

Qualified: level 5 skin science level 5 laser safety

Emergency Eyebrow Removal

Our emergency eyebrow treatment can be extremely beneficial in fading newly implanted microblading and permanent make-up on the eyebrows, using all natural ingredients to push out the pigment, soothe sore skin and with antibacterial, anti-fungal and anti-viral properties, your skin is protected during the healing process. Due to this, there is no pain involved in our treatment and the aftercare is simple , which results in faster healing and a reduction in the chance of skin scarring which may have occurred during the tattoo.

There is a window of opportunity during the first 48 to 72 hours after the eyebrow tattoo has been applied, usually we see around a 60% to 70% fade in colour when we perform treatment during the first 24 hours. The cost of emergency removal is £75 and our out of hours call out charge is £50 if you require assistance out of our normal working hours.

all natural ingredients

pain free emergency removal

non laser method

works up to 72 hours after application

can achieve up to a 70% colour fade after one treatment

provides a skin soothing effect

reduces scarring caused by poorly applied permanent make-up and microblading

healing effect

antibacterial, anti fungal and anti-viral

effective method to fade badly applied permanent make-up within the first 72 hours

All results are individual and based on the saturation, colour and depth of application of the pigment.

Book online during normal working hours or message on WHATSAPP 07887298008 for out of hours appointments or where there are no appointments available online as we can take you as an emergency appointment.

Reducing the saturation of pigment during the first 72 hours of application means that laser removal will be more effective in removing the remnants of pigment and speed up the removal process greatly, saving you time and money as well as reducing the anxiety and stress that badly applied permanent make-up can cause.

Saline Eyebrow Removal

Saline removal is an older method of removing pigment and in some cases it is the perfect option for washing the skin and flushing up deep particles of pigment that have become trapped within scar tissue or implanted too deeply within the muscle and fatty layers. This flushing up then enables the laser to capture the particles of pigment and break them up.

Saline is not our go to method of removal for most cases as it can take as many as 10 sessions to achieve what our pico laser can do in a single session!

Saline has its place, but the effectiveness is low in removing dark pigment and the risk of infection, pain and the extended healing time after treatment are very high in comparison to laser. Therefore as a one off treatment to achieve a result, such as flushing up deep pigment or reducing yellow tones, it can be effective, but when compared to laser, it has increased risks, high expense and low efficacy.

Picosure Pro by Cynosure Laser Eyebrow Removal

This is the most effective and safest method of removing permanent make-up (PMU) and microblading and we have over 10 years of experience in the removal of facial tattoos and PMU.

Due to the growing popularity of PMU over the last 10 years there has been an explosion of people opting to have various types of eyebrow tattoos, unfortunately, the information given to the technicians and clients wasn’t exactly correct. Microblading was branded as “semi-permanent” and likely to last around 12 months, new to the market hybrid pigments were branded as “more stable colours” what wasn’t made clear was that there isn’t such a thing as semi-permanent when it comes to tattoos. Whether its microblading, powder brows or any other fancy name, the implantation of pigment in the skin and allowing it to heal over, is actually a permanent tattoo. Even if it fades or changes colour there will always be pigment particles under the skin!

What does this mean?

Now that technicians and clients are understanding more about PMU, it is understood that even if you love your PMU, there will come a time when you need to remove some of the bulk of pigment to allow fresh new make-up to be applied. Pico laser removal in these cases is a simple, one session treatment and an 8 week healing time before you can have new a new eyebrow tattoo, giving you better shape and a truer colour for longer.

Many people were never happy with the results of their PMU and were told that it would simply fade with time, yet after 5 or more years the pigment has hardly faded and in many cases it has changed to an unwanted colour. In these cases it is usual that only 1, 2 or 3 sessions will take out the dark colour completely.

Depending whether a hybrid pigment has been used then there may be skin staining left behind when the dark pigment is removed. Skin staining is due to the colour moderators used to give the original pigment a warm or cool tone, What remains will be either orange or yellow of various intensity. Orange can be removed easily with another session using a different pico laser wavelength. Orange will then fade to yellow.

Can Orange and Yellow skin stain be removed?

Yes, our Picosure Proby Cynosure can effectively target Orange pigment and this is also easily removed, Yellow pigment can also be targeted with our laser so you won’t be left with yellow eyebrows! However, once these colours are exposed to daylight they break up easily on their own due to being unstable under the effects of UV light. There will become a point that the Yellow is so pale that it isn’t noticeable and easily covered with new PMU. At this point many people are happy to cover with eyebrow make-up, wait for it to fade naturally or opt for saline removal to flush out the skin and remove the staining. Although, the Picosure Pro is able to target even faint yellowing.


Does is hurt?

Yes, unfortunately there is some pain associated with laser tattoo removal, although, to remove PMU the laser is set to a softer hit, so it isn’t as aggressive as body tattoo removal so it isn’t comparable. Generally speaking it is a very tolerable kind of pain that only hurts when the laser is actively firing and the eyebrow removal itself is very quick and often only takes around 30 seconds then immediately after treatment the area calms down.

Does it hurt afterwards?

The area will feel sensitive and similar to how sunburn can feel, this usually lasts for around 24 to 48 hours and you can reduce any discomfort by cooling the area to around 20 degrees Celsius with cool packs from the fridge during the first 24 hours, applying aloe vera, savlon or germolene after the first 24 hours will help to keep the area moisturised, you may also take paracetamol.

can i reduce the pain?

Yes, we use a cooling method at your appointment to cool the surface of the skin before during and after the laser, which also speeds up the healing time and reduces pain, we also apply a numbing agent to the skin for up to 30 mins before your appointment to reduce the sensation.

how many sessions will i need?

Generally speaking, the older the PMU the faster the tattoo will be removed, usually 5 year old PMU can be removed in 2 sessions. There are many factors that dictate how many sessions are required and your test patch will give a very good indication of how well your PMU will lift.

The below factors will affect the amount of sessions required.

The chemical make up of the pigment in the tattoo / orange - yellow

The amount of top ups you have had over the years

The efficiency of an individual’s immune system

The depth of the pigment in the skin

Scarring caused by the technician

The condition of the skin and the health of the individual

Medications and medical conditions

Can i get rid of my tattoo 100%

It is possible for some people with PMU as the pigments are designed to break up over time, where as body tattoo ink is designed to stay bright and true to colour forever.

Depending on whether you want to have new PMU applied or not will determine what you want to achieve, and unfortunately badly applied PMU is usually the hardest to remove due to over saturation and incorrect depth of the application. This causes skin trauma and scarring and even removing the pigment may leave behind scarring caused by the technician and this is especially the case in microblading. This is something that would be on a case by case basis.

does the laser cause scarring?

No, the laser does not normally cause scarring when removing PMU or microblading and our pico laser is especially good at protecting the skin from scarring.

We have never experienced any scarring when removing PMU from the pico laser.

I’ve had a test patch somewhere else, will i need a test patch with you a well?

Yes, you will need to complete a new test patch and a consultation with us, this is a requirement for our insurance and it keeps you safe.

How do i book?

Please use our online booking to book your test patch and our automated system will then send out your medical form to complete before your appointment and your appointment reminders.

Schedule Appointment

All laser tattoo removal treatments require a test patch and consultation in the first instance, this is a mandatory requirement for our insurance and it keeps you safe as well as ensuring a faster removal from the very first treatment!

Book in for a consultation and test patch here.