Facial Treatment Aftercare
Self care……
Taking care of you
here is your important aftercare information
Our advanced aesthetic facials are stronger than a traditional beauty treatment and therefore may require you to follow aftercare advice to prevent damage to your facial skin and tissue afterwards.
It is advised to always use SPF 30+ every day, in strong sunlight re-apply every 2 hours and wear a hat as well. This will prevent damage to the more youthful skin layer that is just forming.
Never pick or scratch at your skin after an aesthetic facial treatment.
You may lightly cleanse your skin the evening after your facial treatment with cotton pads and warm water and a mild facial wash and apply a thin layer of savlon. Your skin will be very clean after your treatment so unless you have applied make-up you should not over cleanse the skin.
Do not use hot water or have a hot shower for 24 hours as this may negatively affect your treatment and cause unwanted side effects.
Do not scrub or exfoliate for 7 days after.
You may apply make-up after 2 hours - except where your therapist has expressed no to so.
After carbon laser
SPF 30+ must be used during the entire course of treatments.
Do not use facial tanner during the entire course of treatments.
Please allow your skin to breathe for 2 hours afterwards before applying make up.
You may experience some dryness although this is not usual, please apply moisturiser.
Cleanse gently with warm water and mild facial wash and apply savlon during the first 24 hours.
Do not scrub or exfoliate for 7 days after.
After chemical & Retinol peels
SPF 30+ must be used during the entire course of treatments.
Please allow your skin to breathe for 2 hours afterwards before applying make up.
You may experience some dryness, please apply the suggested moisturiser or savlon. Do not pick or pull at dry skin.
Cleanse gently with warm water and mild facial wash.
Do not scrub or exfoliate for 7 days after.
After microneedling
SPF 30+ must be used during the entire course of treatments.
Please allow your skin to breathe for 24 hours afterwards before applying make up. Do not apply make up to dry, scabbed or broken skin.
Never touch your face with dirty or unwashed hands, treat the entire area as you would an open wound.
You may be pink and experience a warm, sunburn like sensation for up to 24 hours, apply savlon as moisturiser.
Cleanse gently with warm water and mild facial wash and apply a savlon if you feel dry or sensitive.
Do not scrub or exfoliate for 7 days after.
You may experience some dryness, please apply savlon. Do not pick or pull at dry skin.
Some treatments require and area to scab and heal to promote skin repair, NEVER pull or pick the scab off early, allow it to fall off on its own this can take between 5 to 10 days to fully fall off on it’s own. This is a major part of the healing process and the final result may be reduced if the scab is removed, scratched at or pulled off early.
PICO 755nm honeycomb fractionated laser
SPF 30+ must be used during the entire course of treatments.
Please allow your skin to breathe for 24 hours afterwards before applying make up. Do not apply make up to any scabbed areas or broken skin.
Never touch your face with dirty or unwashed hands, treat the entire area as an open wound.
You may be slightly pink and see small red pin prick dots over the treated area and experience a sunburn like sensation for up to 24 hours, this is normal and should be totally bearable and feel warming.
Cleanse gently with warm water and mild facial wash and apply only a gentle moisturiser, aftercare that has been given or a thin layer of Germolene or Savlon will soothe and moisturise.
Do not scrub or exfoliate for 7 days after.
You may experience some dryness, please apply savlon. Do not pick or pull at dry skin.
Some treatments require the treated area to scab and heal to promote skin repair, NEVER pull or pick the scab off early, allow it to fall off on its own. This is a major part of the healing process.