Skin Blemish Removal
We offer medical extraction of small cysts, milia, pimples and blackhead as a full facial treatment, this is because all of the skin must be cleaned and prepared before undertaking any type of removals to prevent infection. After the removal the skin is the treated with a healing and anti-microbial procedure which can include acids or hi-frequency to close the skin and induce regeneration of the skin, tissue and deeper layers.
ingrown hairs
small cysts
Benign skin lesions can also be treated with a freezing technique known as cryotherapy, where the apparatus tip is cooled to -80c and applied to the skin to removed diseased cells and a thin layer of healthy cells which allows the degraded cells to dry up and come away leaving healthy tissue behind.
skin tags
cherry angioma
sun damage
age spots & liver spots
pigmented lesions
molusc scum
actinic keratosis
Some lesions may require you to have a GP to check before we can begin treatment.
We also offer a Mole check service which is available in clinic at a cost of £50 for up to 3 lesions, where we take photos and go through your medical history then send your file off to be examined by our consultant dermatologist, who will create your report, which is usually ready after only 24 hours, a comprehensive report will make advisories, diagnose and make recommendations, which can be used to obtain a GP referral to dermatology, should you require immediate NHS treatment. Giving you peace of mind for any suspicious lesions.
What is Cryosurgery and how does it work?
The therapist will employ a freezing product to treat and destroy warts and a variety of skin growths or lesions.
What can i expect during treatment?
You will experience a sensation of coldness and some tingling which lasts briefly; most patients experience little or no pain from this treatment.
What might i experience after treatment?
the treated area will appear white immediately after the treatment, then within seconds a reddening of the area will occur. Lightening may occur with darker skin. Recovery to normal pigmentation will occur typically within two weeks to six months, depending on your body’s healing process.
Keep the treated area clean; you may shower, and swim. Generally, a bandage is not needed. Within a few hours to a few days the treated area may blister, change color or form a scab. Should a blister occur, protect it from injury or use a bandage. If a blister occurs, do not purposely puncture it; if it breaks, apply a topical antibiotic and cover with a bandage.
If a scab occurs, do not pull or irritate it; it will fall off naturally after a few days or weeks depending on the treatment area location and size, as well as your body’s ability to heal.
Schedule Appointment
All laser tattoo removal treatments require a test patch and consultation in the first instance, this is a mandatory requirement for our insurance and it keeps you safe as well as ensuring a faster removal from the very first treatment!
Book in for a consultation and test patch here.